The hot-water ORC

For more information, please
contact us

Lubomír Sovíček
Phone: +420 734 576 035

The hot-water ORC uses as a source of thermal energy waste hot water from industrial processes. The matter of fact is conversion of flue gases or steam into water usable in the ORC system by installing a specific type of exchanger. . 

We can view the hot-water ORC as a very effective cooler. It can be used everywhere where
residual heat is frustrated into the surroundings, either they are flue gases, steam, or hot water.

In the ideal case, the ORC system also saves costs of possible existing operation of the cooling system where it concerns such operations when it is necessary to cool down technological water in the process by a specific difference of temperatures – delta T. When designing the system of the hot-water ORC, not only the value of output electric energy is solved, but just also the difference of temperatures of input and output water from ORC. The fact is that by the correct designing of the system it is possible to achieve high savings in the operation of the existing cooling.

The relation of the parameters of hot water entering as a medium into ORC to the production of electric energy is shown in the following graphs – an example of the Electratherm technology:


Examples of applicaton in the industry:

  • Metallurgical plants
  • Blacksmith shops
  • Glassworks
  • Steelworks
  • Foundry plants
  • Brickworks
  • Cement works and lime works
  • Chemical plants
  • Geothermal sources of hot water
  • Any industrial operations having waste heat > 80 °C in hot water or 160 °C and more in flue gases



  • Optimization of costs of thermal and electric energy
  • High share of the production of electric energy in the total production of energy
  • Minimal costs of operation and service



Technology ElectraTherm


ORC POWER+ PM75, 6500B, 6500B+

The Power+ units are able to use heat sources from 70 ° C and generate up to 125 kWe. 

The Power+ generator using organic Rankine cycle together with patented technologies -
double helix, converts sources of low-temperature heat and waste heat into electricity
without additional fuel consumption or emissions. Heat sources with a higher temperature higher than 150 ° C - for example thermal oils and exhaust gases can be used with the use of an additional heat exchanger.

                                     Technologie Power+ PM75



Bitzer expander, double helix patent


Thanks to the integration of the BITZER semi-hermetic expander, ElectraTherm's ORC solutions represent a dramatic shift away from turbine technologies. The expander not only provides a more cost-effective and robust design that significantly increases reliability, but also has much lower operating speeds that allow for "wet" two-phase flow.

As a result, the expander is better equipped for transient operation, which allows the system to reliably generate energy from heat sources with temperature and flow fluctuations. ORC systems from ElectraTherm based expander are more ideal for variable heat sources with lower temperature compared to turbine based systems.

The new expander from the parent company ElectraTherm - BITZER ensures smooth operation and absolute reliability.

POWER+ PM75 is a smaller series ideal for heat output up to 1250 kWth. Generates up to 75 kWe. 

POWER+ 6500 / 6500B+ is a larger range ideal for heat output up to 2,200 kWth. Generates up to 125 kWe. 

Capacity parameters


        PM75 6500B 6500B+
  device capacity  output power kWe až do 75 až do 125 až do 125

heat source conditions

thermal input kWth 300 - 1250 400 - 1700 400 - 2200
hot water temperature °C 65 - 132 70 - 132 70 - 150
hot water flow rate l/s 3 - 23 3 - 25 3 - 25

condensing conditions

heat rejected kWth 300 - 1200 400 - 1600 400 - 2000
cold water temperature °C 10 - 65 4 - 65 4 - 65
cold water flow rate l/s 6 - 26 9 - 26 9- 26

* Heat sources with a temperature higher than 150 ° C - such as thermal oils and exhaust gases - can be used using another heat exchanger.



  1. Heat enters the evaporator and heats ORC operating fluid (refrigerant) to the boiling point and thus it is converted into steam.
    The hot steam creates pressure.
  2. The steam is forced through the screw expander and spins an electric generator.
  3. Steam is cooled with a source of cold water and condenses back to liquid form in the condenser.
  4. Operating fluid is pumped to a higher pressure, it returns back into the evaporator and the process repeats.















Technical specifications

  Installing refrigerant built according to standards ASME and CE
  Energy block patented twin screw expander
  Generator asynchronous
  Heat exchanger compact, brazed board construction
  Lifespan 20 years
  System description  
  Operating fluid pentafluoropropane (nonflammable, nontoxic, not harming the ozone layer)
  Heat source hot water from 70°C to 150°C 
flue gas from 150 °C
  Cooling requirements water temperature 4°C to 65°C
  Control common management software / standard programable logic controller
  Remote monitoring internet
  Operation designed for unattended operation
  Sound pressure level 80 db at 1 m; optional silence; <72 db at 1 m

Possible configurations of POWER+ DEVICE


20 ft. ISO frame

40 ft. ISO frame

  • Dimensions: 2,4 x 2 x 2,3 m
  • Dimensions:  6,1 x 2,4 x 2,6 m
  • Dimensions:  12 x 2,4 x 2,6 m
  • Indoor and outdoor installation
  • Possibility of modular wiring
  • Easy installation without a concrete foundation
  • Integrated mounting with a dry cooler 
  • Turnkey installation including a cooling circuit piping and pump
  • Without a conceret foundation
  • Plug&play


Advantages of the POWER+ series

  • Automated management system
  • Low maintenance requirements
  • Modularity and scalability
  • Robust twin screw expander
  • CE certification
  • Zero emissions
  • No secondary toxic products
  • Zero consumption of fossiel fuel
  • Remote monitoring

Utilizing the technologies:

  • Natural gas engine
  • Petrol and diesel engines
  • Biomass engines
  • Biogas
  • Boilers
  • Heat from industrial processes
  • Solar heat
  • Geothermal energy


For more information, visit - Power+ generátor

For more information, please
contact us

Lubomír Sovíček
Phone: +420 734 576 035








       PM75           6500 




Technology ORCAN

The ORCAN technologies focus on a wide range of the ORC systems, from the smallest ones (5 kW) up to bigger ORC systems producing 300 kW of electricity. Another flagship of this company includes zero energy consumption coolers - ORCAN cooler.

Tens of installations of these units all over Europe are evidence of first-rate quality of German technology. The supplier of expanders for ORC is the company Bitzer – the world number one in the field of producers of compressors.


ORC system efficiency PACK NT:

Our solution for low temperatures: at the input output from 180 kWth the installation of the equipment efficiency PACK NT is ready in several simple steps. It integrates efficiency PACK NT in the best place of your system. The equipment efficiency PACKNT has an integrated pump for volume discharge flow between 10 and 18 m3 / h.

Temperature of water at input [°C]

Temperature of heat water at output [°C]

Volume discharge [m3/h]

Quantity of heat [kWth]

Net output [kWel]

Gross output [kWel]





































At ambient temperature of 10 ˚C, output data +/- 8%


ORC system efficiency PACK 150.200

This ORC series is suitable for using hot water of the temperature of 80 – 145 ˚C and the volume flow of 11 – 14 m3/h or water steam of the temperature of 150 - 800 ˚C. With the maximal input heat of the output of 500 kWth, the ORC is able to produce up to 30 kW of electricity.

   efficiency PACK 150.200

ORC system efficiency PACK 050.100

It can use residual heat of engines with the output of 1 – 20 MW with efficiency of 7%. Heat can be taken directly from flue gases (max. 550 ˚C) or from hot water of the maximal temperature of 150 ˚C. This system is able to produce up to 100 kW of electric energy.

   efficiency PACK 050.100


For more information, please
contact us

Lubomír Sovíček
Phone: +420 734 576 035